Inspiring, Motivational Sessions

The inspiring session presenters are high-profile professionals of color featured in the documentary,Told They Can’t . Growing up they experienced homelessness, hunger, poverty, neglect, and abuse. None of it stopped them. Today they’re doctors, research scientists, engineers, educators, and leaders in Congress. These gifted public speakers have impressive accomplishments including, publishing hundreds of scientific research papers in The New England Journal of Medicine, contributing to the development of pivotal technology for Apple; Bondi Blue iMac, the Cube,  iPads, MacBook Pro’s; serving in the U.S. Congress; California State Senate and Assembly and teaching medicine at Stanford School of Medicine and the University of California San Francisco. One, several or all will present to attendees via motivational keynote talks, panel discussions, lectures, workshops, and breakout groups, in combination with exclusive clips from the Told They Can’t film.

Attendee Takeaways

  • Boldness to refuse being told they can’t, even by those in authority. Rather, aspiring to become all they possibly can.
  • Resilience to reject being shamed for having experienced homelessness, hunger, poverty, a broken home, neglect, abuse or extraordinary challenges. Choosing instead to own it, counting the experiences as their advantage in life.
  • Confidence it’s possible to overcome any and all adversity if they refuse to give up, as evidenced by the individuals featured in the Told They Can’tdocumentary.
  • Enlightened understanding that every child is endowed with limitless human potential no matter background, ethnicity, social status or family income. Acknowledging as such, all children deserve to be treated with dignity and given equal access to opportunity.

Intended Audiences

Students, parents, grandparents, K-12 schools, colleges, universities, graduate schools, student affinity groups (First Gen Club for example). Professional Development conferences and seminars for professors, teachers, educators, staff, school board members, administrators, government leaders at city, county, state, and federal levels, prison staff, prisoners, those in juvenile detention and the staff, armed forces enlistees, officers and civilian employees, plus employee affinity groups across all industries.


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